Khamis, 12 September 2013

30 before 30... continues part...

salam semua...
apa kabar????
last week aku ada cerita 30 before 30 kan....
ni entry untk sambungan yang sebelum ni....

tak da intro... 
so aku just masuk p no 16 k....

16. Buy something ridiculously expensive to signify all you have achieved so far.It will boost you everytime you see it.
- me.... so far... what ive buy for my self?????
(sit and think.... all this time i've been so kedekut to my self kot.... "sengkek bebeno")

17. Learn to cook and perfect at least 5 different dishes...
ni pun kira boleh kot...:P 
-telur dadar...
- megi kari...
-sup terjun... 
- ikan goreng...
- jemput2....
5 kind of dishes.... hahahahahaha

18. Party at a world famous event...
- Insyallah kalu ada cuti... time da start keja....

19. Own a set of tools. this includes a cordless drill...
- to be owned next time....

20. Ditch the "u know", "like" or whatever little vocal habit u've acquired.
- i know what i want... i know what i like....
but sometimes... there are a lots of factor would disturbing me.....

21. Get ur self a tailored dress...
- every year my mum jahit for me....
thanks mummy...

22. Be the proud owner of a luggage set with bags or anything from overnights to a 2 week holiday...
- erm..... =.='

23. Live alone for at least 1 year....
-to know how well we can survive alone....

24. Own a decent piece of furniture that wasnt handed down to you by a relatives or a friend....
- me???? ive my own laptop and iron....

25. Go on holiday with your own siblings without mum and dad..
- lets mum and dad have their second honeymoon at home...:P

26. Be a regular at cafe, hair saloon and a mechanic....
- cafe???? at J&J...
hair saloon - next year...
mechanic????? when ive own my own car...

27. Backpack alone...
-erm....not ready yet.....
but if got chance... i would like to....

28. have a photo album filled with actual photographs from ur life....
-letak la gambo dari baby until women....

29. Find that 1 friend who always makes u laugh and let u cry ur eyes out without passing judgment...
- no komen...

30. Take a yoga class for at least 2 months...
- nanti la....

p/s... so thats all ive got to share with u all...
happy reading and completing 30 before 30....